Outback Mike and Remote area Siobhan

Any comments - please post to mikeg1973@hotmail.com or quinlan01@hotmail.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010

28th March - Joe Falcon 4 ten weeks old

10 weeks, and a bumpy couple of days before he gets scanned to decide on further operation for his breathing.
Despite extreme reflux and other discomfort, he continues to flirt with the doctors and nurses, and plays until he passes out.

One older picture from 4 weeks ago - on a break from CPAP

Little boy with birthday boy;

Snug as a bug in a rug - Falcon meets Jerry..

Still plumbed in.

More like we thought it would be like - (ignore breast pump and vapotherme)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello to you three from Peru! Lovely to see photos and see little Joe. I bet he is winning the hearts of many of the nurses and doctors! Will he be attending the wedding??
I better go and prepare for our English night, but have pretty much made it into a Scottish night as couldnĀ“t think of anything english that would last for more than a few mins! Hee hee

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only did anonymous as could send it! In case you had not figured out, it is me Morag xxxx

4:56 PM  

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